Helo! My name is ralf nadir, you might no me becaus I run for prezident. I also make manny fine groups for college kids to knowck on door to ask for money to save tree. It is ok, you give yourr money to colleje kids because they are future. Also, colleeg kids do like me which imporetent becaze collej kids alwaz vote.

but today is vary vary diffrent. I am to tell you you about my ather bisuness. I turn childs into box! OK? I show you!

Isnt its simple, OK??!

now i can no give way PATENT TRADE SECRET of make childs into box, bot it should be good for me to give you konsultation! OK:

first, you are calling me.

two you describe height and age of childs you wish to make box.

thierds you are telling me the ways to be wanting your box to look. BIG BOCS? No problems. LITTLE BOCS! EASY PIE! Also I do flavor, color, sometimes people want foldy box, some times open box! ALL OK. Normal child have enough material sometime for MANNY MANNY BOX!

then I come to YOUER HOUSE with tools, I use tools on childs to make box! then you have box! BEST YET IT IS ALWYS FRWEE!"

that is me, ralf nadir always looking for little guy. unless too little, then i make you into box/ HAHAHAHAHA

also, if you have too manny puppies I make you a house!

I love you! I am ralf nadir!

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